Tuesday, October 2, 2007

To Pens and Pencils

Dear Pens and Pencils,

I was just wondering; is there a particular reason why you run away from our house? I mean, I can only assume that you run away seeing as I go from having a fresh new pack of you to having no idea where you've gone. Seriously. It takes about a day. Is there something the matter with our family? Do we press to hard? Do we forget to put the caps back on? Do we smell?

I'm sorry that you don't like our house, but we are in constant need of your services. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the pen and pencil jar to grab one of you to jot down a phone message, only to find that it is empty, or that the pens in there are dry, or that the pencils are broken. Or, when I need to pay bills, there is not a pen to be found!

I guess what I'm asking is if there anything we can do to make your stay in our home more enjoyable so that you won't be tempted to run away and leave us in a lurch? Perhaps a nicer jar? Or those swanky grips to wear? Is the humidity level in the house to high? I can fix that! Please, please, please just let me know what I can do. We need you so badly and want you to be happy so that you are willing to be available when we need you. We can make this work! I know we can!


1 comment:

Tara said...

Why is this so universaly true, no matter what country you live in?