Thursday, October 11, 2007

To the US Gonverment

To the US Government,

It has become painfully clear that something is seriously amiss with the way in which you are run. Performance has slowed way down, there are too many programs, and your processing speed is abysmal (DMV, anyone?). If you were a computer you would be purged of all non-essential programs and rebooted. And that is exactly what I suggest for you: purge and reboot.

It is time to replace all elected officials. Those in office, in ALL elected offices on BOTH sides of the aisle have grown too fond of the power they hold and it is painfully obvious that the true safety, quality of life, and personal freedoms of your constituents has been thrust to the bottom of their priority list. It seems more important to outdo the "other guy" than to protect this nation from a variety of threats and economic hardships. The elected officials are obviously not getting the job done. Purge.

We need new faces, new elected officials. We need to go back tot the Master Boot Record i.e. the Constitution. No more power plays. I'm tired of them. No more bickering. Reboot.

Just about ready to pass a magnet over the whole system,


KimmyBlair said...

Dear train of thought,

I miss you. I know that my upcoming wedding has me a bit wacky, but that is no excuse for what little of you I had to completely disappear. Seriously. While my conversation topics used to at least relate in some way, I now currently ping pong between topics such as rulers, and orange juice with reckless abandon, confusing all I talk to.

Cut it out

- Kimmy

Naomi said...

LOL! You seriously need a vacay. I suggest Disney World. :D

KimmyBlair said...

:plans disney world vaca on Nomes orders:

Heidi said...

I totally agree - and there need to be rules that candidates can't take money from big business over a certain amount, or from certain industries - something - because there is too much in both political parties involving congresspeople and senators taking funds from corporations and then making their interests become law. They people elected to office are there for the American People, NOT for american businesses. They can help to make businesses better, but they are elected by average people, by the populace, and not for the task of legislating for corporate america. I think there also needs to be cap on the amount of money that people running for public office can spend on their campaigns, even on presidential campaigns. It is just disgusting that a candidate can spend as much as $100 million - that is just sickening.
Earmarks should not be allowed, and lobbyists need to be regulated as well.
The only thing going on in both Houses right now in both parties is that corporations are getting their needs and wants legislated for, and are buying influence, when the needs of private citizens are being ignored.