Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To My ISP - Part II

Dear ISP,

Um, so, I just want to say how appreciative I am to you for sending out a technician to my house so that we could see why my DSL was still not working. Turns out, um, that it was my phone cord not being plugged in all of the way.


I'm so sorry that I have become one of those people.

Trying to not be mortified beyond belief and failing miserably,

Monday, August 18, 2008


Dear ISP,

FOR THE FREAKIN' LOVE OF PETE! When I ordered internet on a Monday and you told me it was going to be up and running by Thursday, it should have darn well been up and running on Thursday. Instead I have had to call tech support multiple times and get various work orders accomplished. So after one work order mysteriously closed for no reason, after the order for my internet got routed to a completely different office to where it was not supposed to be routed, and after being told that it would be up by 5:00pm today (Monday), it is still not up!!! Seriously! I have one more work order in process. But I tell you what, if that service guy doesn't show up tomorrow, I might have to become slightly miffed and right a very nasty letter.

Hoping to be connected to the WWW before the 22nd Century,