Tuesday, August 16, 2011

To Laundry

To My Worthy Opponent: Laundry,

So, we meet again. It has been one week since our last encounter, but I want you to remember who it was who defeated you. It was a tough battle with many casualties, but I came off victorious! Now, with you piling up once more, it is time again to go to battle. It may take a few days, what with your accomplices (my traitorous children and husband), but I will win! I will prevail!! I will conquer!!!

General Nomes


Donna aka cloudpic said...

You're a wonderful Mom and a brave, brave woman!

Naomi said...

Thanks, Donna. :snuggles: :)

snakey said...

next week, demand everyone bathes while still wearing their clothes.

Naomi said...

THAT is an EXCELLENT idea!