Monday, November 26, 2007

To 5:00pm

Dear 5:00 (of the post meridian persuasion),

What is it about you that turns perfectly lovely children into crazy, loud, lunatics? It seems, at least in our household anyway, that whenever you come around the kids just go nuts. One minute they're playing happily and quietly, the next they are screaming about something-or-other, or else running around in circles. I'm really having a hard time grasping the meaning of this change in behavior.

I know that it is probably unintentional on your part, and I know that it is impossible to keep you from coming around the house every night, but couldn't you do something to keep the children calm? Because when the Crazy Children arrive, Monster Mommy is not far behind and I am not so terribly fond of her, either.

Getting the riot gear ready for your arrival,

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